How it works
Laboratory quality for home
With kiweno lab tests, you can safely and easily draw a few drops of blood at home and rely on accurate analysis in our lab in Germany.
Why are antibody tests important?
Not everyone who has been infected with coronavirus develops symptoms severe enough to go to the doctor. And not everyone gets tested. You want to know if you’ve already been infected with corona?
If you have already been infected with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, you carry so-called IgG antibodies. These antibodies can be detected in your blood. This gives you an indication of whether you have already been through COVID-19 and are therefore probably immune to further infection (100% scientific statements on this are not yet available, but it is assumed).
Researchers find it difficult to estimate how many people have actually been infected. With an antibody test, a rough dark figure can be determined and thus the spread of the virus can be better tracked. This can be an important factor, for example, in deciding whether contact restrictions and other measures can be relaxed.
Caution there are two different antibodies that can be tested – namely IgG (indicating past COVID-19) and IgM (indicating acute infection). At the moment, only IgG tests provide valid results.
How does the SARS-CoV-2 antibody laboratory test work?
The kiweno SARS-CoV-2 antibody laboratory test is a home test kit using the dried blood spot method. The dried blood spot method is an innovative blood collection procedure using a blood filter paper. It requires only a few drops of blood, which are then analyzed and evaluated in the laboratory. The result is sent by e-mail. The test can be performed anywhere and, most importantly, without prior medical knowledge.
The laboratory uses the established ELISA measurement method to determine the level of IgG antibodies in the blood. The sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA measurement procedure used to evaluate the tests are 100% and 99.1%, respectively.
What does the SARS-CoV-2 antibody laboratory test result tell me?
You will receive a detailed result with your exact antibody value, measured in the threshold BAU/ml (BAU = binding antibody units).
Samples less than 8.75 BAU/ml are negative and therefore do not provide a specific signal for antibodies against the coronavirus.
Samples above 8.75 BAU/ml provide a specific signal for antibodies against the coronavirus.
At what point protection is given will only be published by the WHO. Judging by the work already published, this could possibly be higher than 8.75 BAU/ml. In any case, we have already taken all necessary measures to adapt our evaluations to the new standards in the event of an official adjustment by the WHO.
Am I immune in case of a positive result?
At the moment, it is not yet 100% scientifically certain that you are really immune to a new infection after an infection with the coronavirus. But initial studies in humans and monkeys have made researchers optimistic that most people build up immunity after surviving COVID-19.
Other studies and media reports from China and South Korea suggest that people there had contracted the virus multiple times or that the virus had become active a second time. However, according to some virologists, this could be due to the measurement methods, which give negative results at certain measurement times, even though the virus is still in the body.
What means immunity?
If pathogens such as viruses enter your body, your immune system works at full speed to fight them. Among other things, antibodies are produced in the process.
These antibodies are targeted at specific pathogens. Specific antibodies recognize a particular virus or bacterium, bind to the pathogen and allow the immune cells to attack it.
Once your immune system has made the antibodies, they remain in your body for a long time. How long depends on the class of antibodies. IgG antibodies, for example, are active in fighting viruses for years in some cases. As long as they are in the body, they can render the same virus harmless if they encounter it again. If this is the case, you are virtually immune to the pathogen – this is called immunization/immunity.
Am i immune with 8.75 BAU/ml ?
According to the current state of knowledge, it is assumed that protection against the novel coronavirus is given from 8.75 BAU/ml. This does not necessarily mean that one is immune to the virus. However, it indicates that protection against a severe course of the disease may be given.
How reliable is the SARS-CoV-2 antibody laboratory test?
The kiweno SARS-CoV-2 antibody laboratory test uses the most scientifically established measurement procedures for COVID-19 antibody analysis, namely the ELISA test procedure. It is currently the most conclusive method to determine if you have already had the coronavirus.
Like most medical tests, it does not have 100% accuracy. The accuracy of our laboratory test is 100% sensitivity and 99.1% specificity.
In rare cases, false positive results (they tested positive but did not have the virus yet) or false negative results (they tested negative but did have the virus yet) occur.
However, the accuracy of laboratory tests such as the kiweno SARS-CoV-2 antibody laboratory test is subject to close control and the ELISA procedure used in this test is considered one of the most accurate procedures in laboratory diagnostics.
What does sensitivity and specificity mean?
Sensitivity and specificity are statistical measures. They help in the evaluation of binary classification tests (tests with only 2 possible results).
Sensitivity measures the proportion of true positives that are correctly identified as such (e.g., the percentage of sick people correctly identified as such).
Specificity measures the percentage of true negatives that are correctly identified as such (e.g., the percentage of healthy people correctly identified as not sick).
What is the ELISA measurement method?
ELISA stands for “Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay”. It is the standard scientific method used by laboratories to detect antibodies in the blood. ELISA is used, for example, in allergy tests or in the diagnosis of infectious diseases and is also the established laboratory measurement for antibody tests against SARS-CoV-2.
A special laboratory plate is coated with the virus (the antigen), then your sample is added. If there are antibodies in the sample, complexes of antibody and antigen will now form on the plate after some time.
The laboratory then adds a special enzyme that is also bound to an antibody. If antibody-antigen complexes were previously formed on the plate, the new enzyme-antibody entities dock onto them. The larger complex that results is called an “ELISA sandwich.”
When these “sandwiches” form, a chemical substance added to the enzyme converts into a dye that can be seen on the plate. How intense this color later turns out indicates whether there are antibodies in the sample and, if so, how many.
Who should take the SARS-CoV-2 antibody laboratory test?
The antibody test is useful for anyone who wants to know the extent to which they have reacted by producing neutralizing antibodies as an immune response to a Covid-19 vaccination or an undetected Covid19 disease. A high level of neutralizing antibodies may help protect against severe Covid-19 disease.
In most cases, the human body produces IgG antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 after both Covid-19 vaccination and Covid-19 disease. Determination of these antibodies therefore provides an initial indication of how well one has responded to vaccination or whether one has been infected with the novel coronavirus in the past.
In some cases, a Covid 19 infection may cause only mild, flu-like symptoms or may even be asymptomatic. Therefore, an antibody test can provide clarity about whether an infection has been survived. Thus, the antibody test may also be useful for those who suffer from so-called long-covid symptoms, but have not yet had a Covid-19 infection detected.
The production of antibodies is only part of the body’s immune response and is therefore only a first indication regarding possible protection. The body can also react after a vaccination as well as after an infection with the production of T-cells (so-called memory cells), which in case of a renewed contact with the virus can trigger an immune reaction and contribute to fighting the virus. This means that even with a low antibody status, one may be protected from a severe course of a Covid-19 infection.