Frequently asked questions
You have questions about our tests, evaluations, intolerances or nutrient deficiencies? In our FAQs we have summarized the most important questions and answers for you!
About kiweno
kiweno – what does it actually mean?
The “ki” of kiweno originates from the Japanese “Ki”, better known as “Chi”. In Far Eastern medicine, “ki” refers to the “life energy” that underlies all life. The “-weno” of kiweno is derived from the English “we know”. In short, we know about your body with the help of our test procedures and would like to help you to find your life energy again and to bring you and your body into balance.
What does the future hold for kiweno?
With our medical team and experienced experts we are constantly working on the further development of our product range. So you can be curious 🙂
Data security on my.kiweno
The security of your data has the highest priority for us! Your data belongs to you and is not shared with third parties or other companies. Only our partner laboratories, which carry out the analysis of the respective tests, receive your sample and information about it. However, the data for the respective laboratory is always and exclusively linked to your Test ID and thus does not allow any conclusion about your person. Your personal data – especially name, date of birth and gender – will not be passed on to third parties or other companies. kiweno reserves the right to evaluate, prepare and publish anonymized data for statistical purposes. For data protection reasons, we at my.kiweno.com do not use externally hosted tracking tools (such as Google Analytics), social plugins and external fonts. This enables us to ensure that data is never unintentionally transferred to third parties. The data we collect on my.kiweno.com is not transferred to other servers or shared with third parties. Still a question? Our customer service will be happy to help.
Nutrition test
What does the nutrition test from kiweno test and how does it work?
With the nutrition test, food intolerances can be tested for protein components of certain foods. Blood can be taken from the fingertip easily and quickly at home. The subsequent analysis and evaluation takes place in the laboratory. The nutrition test tests the tolerance of protein components on 70 frequently consumed foods using just a few drops of blood. Attention: The kiweno nutrition test does not test for lactose intolerance, histamine tolerance or fructose malabsorption, nor does it serve to determine coeliac disease or allergies!
What are the benefits of the nutrition test?
With your kiweno nutrition test you get:
- a test kit to easily perform the intolerance test at home
- a pre-franked return envelope for easy return of your blood sample
- the analysis of the blood sample by our laboratory
- access your personal kiweno online profile where you can get your test results, helpful information about your intolerances and many other health and nutrition tips from our experts.
Which foods are tested with the kiweno nutrition test?
If food intolerance is suspected, both the three main allergen groups – milk protein, gluten-containing cereals and hen’s egg – and numerous types of fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds, spices, herbs, fish and meat are tested. Here is an overview of the more than 70 foods tested: Cereals containing gluten Oats Rye Wheat Spelt Gluten Cereals gluten-free Buckwheat Cornmeal Rice Amaranth Quinoa Millet Meat, fish, egg Chicken egg Beef Fish pool (saithe, tuna, salmon, herring, crab, cod) Meat pool (pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, duck) Fruit Pineapple Apple Avocado Banana Kiwi Orange Peach Grape fruit pool (strawberry, melon, cherry) Milk products Casein Milk pool (lactoglobulin (cow), lactalbumin (cow), goat milk, sheep milk, mare milk) Vegetables, salads Carrot Sweet pepper Celery Spinach Tomato Potato vegetable pool (white cabbage, mushroom, onion, fennel) Pulses Peanut green bean Soybean Legume pool (pea, locust bean gum, lentil) Nuts, seeds Almond Hazelnut Sesame Sunflower seeds Nut & Seed Pool (Cashew nut, Walnut, Linseed) Herbs, spices Garlic Parsley black pepper Mustard seeds Spice pool (caraway, dill, vanilla) Yeasts Baker’s yeast
When should the nutrition test not be performed?
The nutrition test should not be used:
- in case of a blood-borne disease such as hepatitis or HIV
- when taking steroids or immunosuppressants
- in case of pregnancy or while breastfeeding
- from children under 2 years of age, whereby children and adolescents under 18 years of age may perform the test under the supervision of an adult
- when taking antibiotics
- in case of existing infections or inflammations
Is there a difference between incompatibilities and intolerances?
Yes, there is a difference. The issue of food intolerances is very complex. That is why there are often ambiguities of definition in colloquial language, but also in the literature. Food intolerances are an excessive reaction of the immune system to specific protein components of certain foods. For example gluten is a protein component of certain cereals, casein is the main protein component of animal milk products. Intolerances, in contrast to intolerances, are due to an insufficient (enzymatic) digestive process or insufficient absorption of nutrients in the intestine (malabsorption) or a pseudoallergy. The best known forms of intolerance are lactose and fructose intolerance and histamine intolerance
What do I have to consider when taking a blood sample?
Please read the manual carefully before starting with the test. We advise you to take the blood sample at the beginning of the week – at best on Mondays or Tuesdays. Bring the sample to the nearest post office so that it can be sent to us by post as soon as possible.
Do follow-up costs arise after the purchase of the nutrition test?
No, with the one-off cost of 119 Euro you get all the nutrition test services from us.
Why is the nutrition test not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding?
In general, a change in diet to compatible foods is of course something positive. However, we do not recommend a change in diet during pregnancy or breastfeeding to ensure the needs of a growing foetus or baby are met. It is best to change your diet slowly before pregnancy. If you still want to change your diet during pregnancy or breastfeeding, we ask you to do so under the supervision of a doctor you trust.
Why is the nutrition test not recommended for children under two years of age?
In principle, the intolerance test can be used for people of any age and provides valid results. However, small children have special nutritional needs. In order to avoid a nutrient deficiency and the resulting damage, a change in diet for children should definitely be discussed with a doctor.
Can food intolerance be proven even if I have never eaten the respective food or have not eaten it for a long time?
In order for the nutrition test to detect food intolerance, the food must have been in contact with the respective food at least once in the last few weeks. During food intake, the body produces antibodies depending on the (in)tolerance. If a foodstuff has never been eaten or has not been eaten for a long time, then no or fewer antibodies can be measured in the blood. If a food has not been eaten for a longer period of time (at least 6 months), the concentration of antibodies in the blood is usually also lower. This means that the test result can also reflect a weaker reaction. However, the level of antibody concentration and the duration of the antibody degradation process varies greatly from person to person.
Histamine intolerance test
What is tested in the histamine test?
The kiweno histamine test tests the degradability of histamine by the enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO). The enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO) breaks down histamine in the body. However, if the organism does not have enough of the enzyme at its disposal, histamine can only be broken down insufficiently and an excess of histamine can develop, which often leads to unpleasant symptoms. A further test procedure is the stool sample for histamine, which can be carried out by a trusted doctor. This can be used to determine how much histamine is actually present in the bowel. In case of increased values, histamine-related complaints may occur despite an additional histamine degradation by the DAO.
How do I know if I should perform a histamine test?
Do you suffer from skin rashes, itching, swollen eyelids or legs, heavy sneezing fits or diarrhoea after some foods? These could be indications of a histamine intolerance. Especially hard cheese (such as Parmesan), ketchup, tomatoes, sauerkraut, spinach, legumes or wine are known for their high histamine content and trigger histamine-related symptoms.
What are the services of the kiweno histamine test?
With your histamine test you get:
- A test kit for easy testing from home
- A pre-franked return envelope for easy return of your blood sample
- The analysis of the blood sample by our laboratory
- Access to your personal kiweno online profile where you can get your test results, helpful information about your intolerances and intolerances and many more health and nutrition tips from our experts.
How can the results of my histamine test be influenced?
The DAO level measured by the histamine test can be influenced by the following factors: “DAO preparations”, such as DAOsin excessive alcohol and nicotine consumption short-term medication (N-acetylcysteine, ambroxol, aminophylline, amitriptyline, chloroquine, clavulanic acid, isoniazid, metamizole, metoclopramide, propafenone, verapamil, etc.). Some of these drugs do not specifically affect DAO, but only histamine release. In general, the influence of drugs on DAO is not 100% guaranteed. Permanent medication is not meant by this because of essential regular intake, as it has a “permanent” influence. Since the main site of formation of diamine oxidase is the intestine, all diseases or influences on the gastrointestinal tract also have an effect on the formation of the enzyme. Certain foods are suspected to influence DAO levels – including cocoa, green and black tea and energy drinks. The supply of vitamin B6, zinc and vitamin C also has an influence on the DAO level, as DAO cannot be sufficiently formed in the event of a deficiency.
Is it possible that I get different results from histamine intolerance tests of other providers?
The short answer is: Yes, it is possible. Why? With our histamine test we measure the degradability of histamine in dry blood via the enzyme diamine oxidase. Our test provides an indication of a possible reduced main degradation in the intestine via the DAO, although there are also other degradation pathways of histamine (via the histamine N-methyltransferase). Therefore, our results speak of a possible histamine intolerance. The test result must always be seen in connection with possible symptoms. The DAO level measured by the histamine test can be influenced by the following factors: “DAO inhibitors”, such as DAOsin Alcohol nicotine and medication (N-acetylcysteine, ambroxol, aminophylline, amitriptyline, chloroquine, clavulanic acid, isoniazid, metamizole, metoclopramide, propafenone, verapamil and others). Some of these drugs do not specifically affect DAO, but only histamine release. In general, the influence of drugs on DAO is not 100% guaranteed. Certain foods are also suspected of influencing DAO levels – including cocoa, green and black tea and energy drinks. The supply of vitamin B6, zinc and vitamin C also has an influence on DAO levels, as DAO cannot be produced sufficiently in the event of a deficiency.
What is lactose intolerance?
Lactose intolerance is a disordered utilization of milk sugar (lactose). The intolerance occurs due to a defect or deficiency of the enzyme lactase. If the organism does not have a sufficient amount of lactase to utilize lactose, the two-fold sugar cannot be split. The uncleaved lactose thus reaches the large intestine, where it does not really belong. Consequently, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and short-chain fatty acids are formed in the large intestine.
What are the symptoms of lactose intolerance?
Typical symptoms are flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, constipation, skin blemishes and, in rarer cases, heartburn, fatigue, migraine and low back pain. These occur after the consumption of dairy products.
What is the difference between primary and secondary lactose intolerance?
Primary or hereditary adult lactose intolerance refers to a genetically determined lactase deficiency. Lactase production ceases with age and lactose can no longer be digested without symptoms after a certain point in time. This form of intolerance can be determined or ruled out with the kiweno lactose intolerance genetic test.
Secondary lactose intolerance is considered to be the result of intestinal damage. Lactase production is reduced due to damage to the intestinal mucosa and the same symptoms occur as in primary lactose intolerance. As soon as the intestinal mucosa has regenerated (intestinal rehabilitation), lactase can be produced again and lactose can be consumed without restriction.
What is the difference between lactose intolerance and milk incompatibility?
In lactose intolerance, there is a lack of lactase in the small intestine, which means that lactose cannot be broken down and thus cannot be absorbed into the blood. Symptoms (such as abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea) appear after 30-120 minutes after consumption of lactose-containing products.
An incompatibility is an excessive reaction of the immune system to protein components of food. In the case of milk, this would be casein, for example. Symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, but also headaches and skin rashes occur only after 6-72 hours of consumption. Food intolerances can be diagnosed with a blood test.
What is the difference between lactose and casein?
Lactose is a sugar contained in milk and dairy products, whereas casein is a protein component of milk.
Note: The kiweno incompatibility test* tests, among other things, for the milk protein casein, but not for milk sugar (lactose). The kiweno lactose intolerance genetic test, in turn, determines whether you may suffer from primary lactose intolerance.
* The kiweno incompatibility test is available exclusively in Austria.
What is examined with the kiweno lactose intolerance genetic test?
In the kiweno lactose intolerance genetic test procedure, the “LCT gene (-13910-T/C) polymorphism” is examined without exception. This section of the DNA strand contains the necessary information about a possible genetic lactose intolerance. No further genetic examinations of the sample material are performed.
What does real time PCR mean?
In a polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a specific section of the DNA strand is isolated and multiplied. To find out which allele (gene variant) is present, a dye is added during the multiplication, which dissolves again when the sample is heated (melting curve analysis). Since the different genotypes have different ‘melting points’ and thus the color disappears at different temperatures, the process becomes measurable.
By copying the gene variant (including the dye) millions of times and then heating it (melting curve analysis), it becomes visible which variant is present and a test result is obtained with corresponding medical consequences.
What does the result of the kinweo lactose intolerance genetic test tell me?
The test result of the lactose intolerance genetic test is a laboratory-analysed finding that describes the presence or absence of a specific mutation. The necessary medical consequences can then be derived from this. In the kiweno lactose intolerance genetic test, the following three results may be present:
Genotype homozygous C/C: hereditary adult (primary) lactose intolerance confirmed with corresponding clinical symptoms.
Genotype heterozygous T/C: no evidence of hereditary adult (primary) lactose intolerance. Carriers of this heterozygous genotype show reduced lactase activity, which is not considered a predisposition for lactose intolerance.
Genotype homozygous T/T: no indication of hereditary adult (primary) lactose intolerance.
What happens to the sample material?
The certified partner laboratory of kiweno uses the genetic sample exclusively for the initiated genetic analysis (“Investigation of the LCT gene (-13910-T/C) polymorphism”). No further genetic analysis of the sample material will be performed. The sample material will be destroyed immediately after completion of this examination.
Note: In order to ensure maximum data security, the result will also be processed purely anonymously with the 16-digit identification code provided.
Vitamin D rapid test
What is vitamin d?
Vitamin D belongs to the group of calciferols, which is a collective term for various substances of this type. Calciferols can be taken in active or inactive form through food. However, your body is also capable of forming a precursor itself: this happens in the liver and in the intestinal mucosa. Your skin needs sunlight to activate the precursors. Activation then produces vitamin D, which is important and effective for you. It is therefore important that you regularly expose your skin to the sun in order to activate the vitamin D on your skin under the influence of UV light.
What functions does vitamin D perform in your body?
The functions of the fat-soluble vitamin in the human body are numerous. Vitamin D, for example, strengthens the cardiovascular system, has an effect on the function of your thyroid gland and thus also on your hormone balance and the immune system. Vitamin D also plays an important role in regulating your calcium level and thus supports bone mineralization. A well covered vitamin D level is therefore an important protection against osteoporosis. The promotion of muscle development and function is also related to vitamin D. This is particularly important for older people, as they often have a low vitamin D status. In addition, it supports glucose utilization, which is why vitamin D is particularly important for diabetics. Vitamin D is also known for its positive effects on the state of mind. Recent studies indicate that low vitamin D levels are associated with mood swings and even depression. It is not yet clear whether the lowered concentration contributes to the disease or whether the clinical picture lowers the vitamin D level.
How and why does vitamin D deficiency develop?
Above all, lifestyle is decisive: few stays in the fresh air and thus no direct UV radiation are reflected in a low vitamin D content. In addition, heavy metal pollution in the body can play a role, for example through smoking. Such chronic stresses can lead to a blockage of vitamin D activation. Biological age also has an influence, as kidney function, which is important for vitamin D metabolism, decreases over the years. For this reason, older people in particular should make sure that they get enough exercise in the fresh air. Seasons and latitude also influence vitamin D levels: low sun intensity in winter and short periods of sunshine have a negative effect. Digestive disorders can also play a further role: chronic liver and/or gallbladder diseases and disorders of the digestive tract, through which fats are poorly absorbed, reduce the absorption and storage of vitamin D.
What is the optimal vitamin D level?
The results of the vitamin d rapid test should be interpreted as follows: 0-10 ng/ml — severe deficiency 11-30 ng/ml — deficiency 31-100 ng/ml — optimal supply > 100 ng/ml — Overdose Attention: The interpretation of the measured value may differ from this table depending on individual health and physical conditions. If you have any questions about the interpretation of your measured value or your treatment (vitamin D supplementation), please contact your doctor or pharmacist. Sources:
- Bischoff-Ferrari HA (2014) Optimal serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels for multiple health outcomes. In Sunlight, Vitamin D and Skin Cancer (Advances in experimental medicine and biology), Reichrath J (ed) pp 500–25. New York: Springer-Verlag.
- Gupta AK, Jamwal V, Sakul & Malhotra P (2014) Hypervitaminosis D and systemic manifestations: A comprehensive review. J. Int. Med. Sci. Acad. 27: 236–237.
- Kimball SM, Mirhosseini N & Holick MF (2017) Evaluation of vitamin D3 intakes up to 15,000 international units/day and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations up to 300 nmol/L on calcium metabolism in a community setting. Dermatoendocrinol. 9: e1300213.
How does the vitamin d rapid self-test work? Why do I need an app?
The test system of the kiweno vitamin d rapid test consists of an immunological rapid test, which detects vitamin D (25(OH)-vitamin D) using specific antibodies, and a smartphone app, which quantitatively evaluates the result of the rapid test based on the colour intensity of the control and test band. The result is displayed and stored on the smartphone in use. The system requirements and supported devices can be found here.
Who should measure their vitamin D level?
Only very small amounts of vitamin D are absorbed through food. Up to 90% of vitamin D is produced by the body itself, namely in the skin as a result of sunlight. However, due to our modern lifestyle, especially due to too little time spent outdoors and the use of high sun protection factors, the body’s own vitamin D production is no longer sufficient in many cases. A deficiency is therefore no longer restricted to risk groups such as small children, pregnant women, people with dark skin and the 50+ group of people, but can affect anyone. A vitamin D deficiency can be diagnosed particularly well after the winter period when there is little sunshine. When taking vitamin D preparations, it is recommended to check their effectiveness at certain intervals. This allows an optimal adjustment of the dose to seasonal fluctuations in light conditions and individually varying needs.
When is supplementation with vitamin D useful?
If a vitamin D deficiency has been diagnosed, especially in winter and with an office job, vitamin D supplementation is definitely sensible. More and more often, vitamin D is also used as a supplement in therapy. A balanced vitamin D balance leads to a significant improvement in bone structure. Vitamin D supplementation is therefore recommended especially for people with osteoporosis. A high vitamin D supplementation is also frequently used for inflammation and pain. Vitamin D is important for the improvement of classic inflammation parameters such as CRP or cytokines. The administration of cod liver oil (contains a lot of vitamin D) is also well known in cases of illness. The positive effect on the immune system is increasingly confirmed by science: Vitamin D is beneficial for your immune system! Sunlight and vitamin D also seem to play a major role in the nervous disease multiple sclerosis. In areas with a lot of sunlight, the clinical picture hardly ever occurs. Intervention studies with vitamin D also show a stabilising effect, i.e. an improvement in characteristics. Vitamin D is also administered in high doses in the case of psoriasis: Vitamin D helps to regulate and develop healthy skin cells and thus supports a healthy skin appearance. Vitamin D is also important for dental health: the risk of periodontosis and tooth loss is reduced. A still open research topic is the connection between vitamin D and some forms of cancer. Some studies indicate an improvement in the clinical picture, but more research is needed. As with all diagnostic tests, you should not make a final assessment based on a single result, but only after the clinical picture has been fully clarified by your attending physician. Your supplementation should be based on your current vitamin D level so that the correct dose is taken.
Which smartphones are supported by the vitamin d rapid self-test?
Detailed information about the rapid test and its procedure can be found here. The kiweno vitamin d-App is supported by the following devices and operating systems. * Apple devices require an operating system of version 10 or higher * Android devices require an operating system of version 5 or higher Download the list We are working hard to add as many devices as possible to the list. If your device is not supported, feel free to contact us and we will add your device to our to-do list to make it work as soon as possible!
How reliable is the vitamin d rapid self-test?
The kiweno vitamin d rapid test can detect the vitamin D level with high reliability. In cooperation with our parent company Immundignostik AG, a renowned company in the field of laboratory diagnostics, many resources were invested in the development of this innovative rapid test procedure. The new rapid test procedure was of course checked and tested to ensure that the quality of the results was the same as in a laboratory evaluation. A comparative study carried out by Immundiagnostik AG (download) shows that the values measured by the rapid test method are very comparable with the laboratory measurements (measurement with mass spectrometry, ELISA). The kiweno vitamin d rapid test uses the same rapid test procedure as the Preventis SmarTest vitamin D used in the study. Nevertheless, incorrect results may be obtained in individual cases. If the results are questionable, further clinical tests should be carried out. As with all diagnostic tests, a final finding should not be based on a single result, but only after the clinical picture has been fully clarified by the attending physician. The vitamin d rapid test has a measuring range of 5-100 ng/ml 25(OH)-Vitamin D. The test detects 25(OH) vitamin D2, 25(OH) vitamin D3, 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D2 and 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3. There is no cross-reactivity to 1,24(OH)2-vitamin D2, 1,24(OH)2-vitamin D3 or 3-epi-(OH)-vitamin D3. The kiweno vitamin d rapid test result is not affected by bilirubin, triglycerides, cholesterol, vitamin B12 or vitamin C. The coefficient of variation is 25.8% for repeated measurements with one rapid test batch and 3-37% for repeated measurements with different rapid test batches. A comparative measurement of 27 patient samples with the Schenlltest method and the reference method LC-MS/MS (liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry) showed a very good agreement between the two methods (87.5%).
How to dispose the vitamin d rapid self-test?
After use, the test with all components can be disposed of in the residual waste.
Ferritin rapid test
What is ferritin?
Ferritin is a protein molecule in which iron is stored. Most ferritin is found in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. A small amount of ferritin travels in our bloodstreams and is a proxy for all ferritin in iron diagnostics. So when ferritin is measured in the blood, this value indicates how well your iron stores are filled overall, and thus whether you may be deficient or oversupplied.
What functions does iron perform in the body?
The most important function that iron performs is the formation of hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells. As the largest component of this protein, iron not only gives the red blood cells their red color but also enables the transport of oxygen. Iron also plays an important role in the immune system. The production of immune cells is stimulated by iron and thus helps to protect you from pathogens. In the muscles, iron ensures better performance and allows higher strains. This also applies to the brain if the nerves are supplied by the iron with enough oxygen. With a balanced iron balance, you thus gain in performance and cognitive skills such as concentration get easier.
How does iron deficiency develop?
We speak of an iron deficiency when the daily intake of iron cannot cover the demand. If this imbalance persists over the long term, iron stores become increasingly depleted and the body gradually loses its performance capacity. There are various causes that can lead to such an imbalance and to an iron deficiency. Basically it is due to the fact that
- too little iron is absorbed an unbalanced diet (vegan, vegetarian), digestive disorders, chronic diseases
- there is a higher need for iron pregnancy, breastfeeding, growth phases, competitive sports
- the body loses too much iron menstruation, blood donation, internal bleeding
How does the ferritin rapid test work? Why do you need an app?
The test system of the kiweno ferritin rapid test consists of an immunological rapid test that detects ferritin (iron storage protein) in capillary blood and a smartphone app that quantitatively evaluates the result of the rapid test based on the color intensity of the control and test bands. The result is displayed on the smartphone used and stored only there. The system requirements and supported devices can be found here.
Which smartphones are supported by the Ferritin rapid test?
The kiweno Ferritin app, which is required for the test procedure, is currently supported the following devices:

We are working continuously to add as many devices as possible to the list. If your device is not supported, feel free to contact us and we will add your device to our to-do list to make it work as soon as possible! More detailed information about the rapid test and its procedure can be found here.
What data is stored?
The data collected with the kiweno ferritin rapid test are only available on your smartphone! There is no transmission of the measured values. Only for product improvement, anonymous data, such as crashes, are transmitted to the company kiweno.
Why are antibody tests important?
Not everyone who has been infected with coronavirus develops symptoms severe enough to go to the doctor. And not everyone gets tested. You want to know if you’ve already been infected with corona?
If you have already been infected with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, you carry so-called IgG antibodies. These antibodies can be detected in your blood. This gives you an indication of whether you have already been through COVID-19 and are therefore probably immune to further infection (100% scientific statements on this are not yet available, but it is assumed).
Researchers find it difficult to estimate how many people have actually been infected. With an antibody test, a rough dark figure can be determined and thus the spread of the virus can be better tracked. This can be an important factor, for example, in deciding whether contact restrictions and other measures can be relaxed.
Caution there are two different antibodies that can be tested – namely IgG (indicating past COVID-19) and IgM (indicating acute infection). At the moment, only IgG tests provide valid results.
How does the SARS-CoV-2 antibody laboratory test work?
The kiweno SARS-CoV-2 antibody laboratory test is a home test kit using the dried blood spot method. The dried blood spot method is an innovative blood collection procedure using a blood filter paper. It requires only a few drops of blood, which are then analyzed and evaluated in the laboratory. The result is sent by e-mail. The test can be performed anywhere and, most importantly, without prior medical knowledge.
The laboratory uses the established ELISA measurement method to determine the level of IgG antibodies in the blood. The sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA measurement procedure used to evaluate the tests are 100% and 99.1%, respectively.
What does the SARS-CoV-2 antibody laboratory test result tell me?
You will receive a detailed result with your exact antibody value, measured in the threshold BAU/ml (BAU = binding antibody units).
Samples less than 8.75 BAU/ml are negative and therefore do not provide a specific signal for antibodies against the coronavirus.
Samples above 8.75 BAU/ml provide a specific signal for antibodies against the coronavirus.
At what point protection is given will only be published by the WHO. Judging by the work already published, this could possibly be higher than 8.75 BAU/ml. In any case, we have already taken all necessary measures to adapt our evaluations to the new standards in the event of an official adjustment by the WHO.
Am I immune in case of a positive result?
At the moment, it is not yet 100% scientifically certain that you are really immune to a new infection after an infection with the coronavirus. But initial studies in humans and monkeys have made researchers optimistic that most people build up immunity after surviving COVID-19.
Other studies and media reports from China and South Korea suggest that people there had contracted the virus multiple times or that the virus had become active a second time. However, according to some virologists, this could be due to the measurement methods, which give negative results at certain measurement times, even though the virus is still in the body.
What means immunity?
If pathogens such as viruses enter your body, your immune system works at full speed to fight them. Among other things, antibodies are produced in the process.
These antibodies are targeted at specific pathogens. Specific antibodies recognize a particular virus or bacterium, bind to the pathogen and allow the immune cells to attack it.
Once your immune system has made the antibodies, they remain in your body for a long time. How long depends on the class of antibodies. IgG antibodies, for example, are active in fighting viruses for years in some cases. As long as they are in the body, they can render the same virus harmless if they encounter it again. If this is the case, you are virtually immune to the pathogen – this is called immunization/immunity.
Am i immune with 8.75 BAU/ml ?
According to the current state of knowledge, it is assumed that protection against the novel coronavirus is given from 8.75 BAU/ml. This does not necessarily mean that one is immune to the virus. However, it indicates that protection against a severe course of the disease may be given.
How reliable is the SARS-CoV-2 antibody laboratory test?
The kiweno SARS-CoV-2 antibody laboratory test uses the most scientifically established measurement procedures for COVID-19 antibody analysis, namely the ELISA test procedure. It is currently the most conclusive method to determine if you have already had the coronavirus.
Like most medical tests, it does not have 100% accuracy. The accuracy of our laboratory test is 100% sensitivity and 99.1% specificity.
In rare cases, false positive results (they tested positive but did not have the virus yet) or false negative results (they tested negative but did have the virus yet) occur.
However, the accuracy of laboratory tests such as the kiweno SARS-CoV-2 antibody laboratory test is subject to close control and the ELISA procedure used in this test is considered one of the most accurate procedures in laboratory diagnostics.
What does sensitivity and specificity mean?
Sensitivity and specificity are statistical measures. They help in the evaluation of binary classification tests (tests with only 2 possible results).
Sensitivity measures the proportion of true positives that are correctly identified as such (e.g., the percentage of sick people correctly identified as such).
Specificity measures the percentage of true negatives that are correctly identified as such (e.g., the percentage of healthy people correctly identified as not sick).
What is the ELISA measurement method?
ELISA stands for “Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay”. It is the standard scientific method used by laboratories to detect antibodies in the blood. ELISA is used, for example, in allergy tests or in the diagnosis of infectious diseases and is also the established laboratory measurement for antibody tests against SARS-CoV-2.
A special laboratory plate is coated with the virus (the antigen), then your sample is added. If there are antibodies in the sample, complexes of antibody and antigen will now form on the plate after some time.
The laboratory then adds a special enzyme that is also bound to an antibody. If antibody-antigen complexes were previously formed on the plate, the new enzyme-antibody entities dock onto them. The larger complex that results is called an “ELISA sandwich.”
When these “sandwiches” form, a chemical substance added to the enzyme converts into a dye that can be seen on the plate. How intense this color later turns out indicates whether there are antibodies in the sample and, if so, how many.
Who should take the SARS-CoV-2 antibody laboratory test?
The antibody test is useful for anyone who wants to know the extent to which they have reacted by producing neutralizing antibodies as an immune response to a Covid-19 vaccination or an undetected Covid19 disease. A high level of neutralizing antibodies may help protect against severe Covid-19 disease.
In most cases, the human body produces IgG antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 after both Covid-19 vaccination and Covid-19 disease. Determination of these antibodies therefore provides an initial indication of how well one has responded to vaccination or whether one has been infected with the novel coronavirus in the past.
In some cases, a Covid 19 infection may cause only mild, flu-like symptoms or may even be asymptomatic. Therefore, an antibody test can provide clarity about whether an infection has been survived. Thus, the antibody test may also be useful for those who suffer from so-called long-covid symptoms, but have not yet had a Covid-19 infection detected.
The production of antibodies is only part of the body’s immune response and is therefore only a first indication regarding possible protection. The body can also react after a vaccination as well as after an infection with the production of T-cells (so-called memory cells), which in case of a renewed contact with the virus can trigger an immune reaction and contribute to fighting the virus. This means that even with a low antibody status, one may be protected from a severe course of a Covid-19 infection.