Who should take the SARS-CoV-2 antibody laboratory test?

The antibody test is useful for anyone who wants to know the extent to which they have reacted by producing neutralizing antibodies as an immune response to a Covid-19 vaccination or an undetected Covid19 disease. A high level of neutralizing antibodies may help protect against severe Covid-19 disease.
In most cases, the human body produces IgG antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 after both Covid-19 vaccination and Covid-19 disease. Determination of these antibodies therefore provides an initial indication of how well one has responded to vaccination or whether one has been infected with the novel coronavirus in the past.
In some cases, a Covid 19 infection may cause only mild, flu-like symptoms or may even be asymptomatic. Therefore, an antibody test can provide clarity about whether an infection has been survived. Thus, the antibody test may also be useful for those who suffer from so-called long-covid symptoms, but have not yet had a Covid-19 infection detected.
The production of antibodies is only part of the body’s immune response and is therefore only a first indication regarding possible protection. The body can also react after a vaccination as well as after an infection with the production of T-cells (so-called memory cells), which in case of a renewed contact with the virus can trigger an immune reaction and contribute to fighting the virus. This means that even with a low antibody status, one may be protected from a severe course of a Covid-19 infection.